Willowbrook’s PTA, previously Friends of Oasis Academy Longmeadow (FOALs), are a group of likeminded parents who raise funds to support the children at Willowbrook Primary School. They are a central part of our school community and act as a bridge between home and school life.

Willowbrook’s PTA are keen fundraisers and have raised money that has helped the school improve equipment, resources, and outings to enhance our children’s education.

In addition to their incredible fundraising. Willowbrook’s PTA put on a wide range of events throughout the school year, including discos, the chocolate bingo, Christmas fayre and school fete, with the aim of enhancing the children’s learning while providing a fun and exciting experience for all.

Willowbrook’s PTA brings together staff, parents/ carers and friends in a fun and social environment to support our school. All parents and members of the school community can get involved. If you would like more information, please contact the school office.

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