

We believe that a high-quality science education provides the fundamentals for understanding the world through the particular disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics.

We intend for the children to receive this, both in class and through other activities such as trips.

Science is vital to the world’s future prosperity and has changed our lives, and all pupils should be taught crucial aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science. Through building a body of key foundational knowledge and concepts, pupils should be encouraged to recognise the power of rational explanation and develop a sense of excitement and interest about natural wonders. They should be encouraged to understand how science can be used to explain what is happening, predict how things will behave, and analyse the causes.

Science in our school is about developing children’s ideas and ways of working that enable them to make sense of the world in which they live through investigation, as well as using and applying process skills. The staff at Willowbrook ensure that all children are exposed to high quality teaching and learning experiences, which allow children to explore their outdoor environment and locality, thus developing their scientific enquiry and investigative skills. They are immersed in scientific vocabulary, which aids children’s knowledge and understanding not only of the topic they are studying, but of the world around them. We intend to provide all children regardless of ethnic origin, gender, class, aptitude or disability, with a broad and balanced science curriculum.


In ensuring high principles of teaching and learning in science, we implement a curriculum that is progressive through the whole school. We have created a science curriculum that ensures a progressive sequence of scientific knowledge, skills and vocabulary.  The 2014 National Curriculum objectives and scientific skills have been specifically chosen for each term and these sit alongside a scientific experiment. The careful design of our curriculum gives the teacher a good structure from which to plan a six-week lesson block.  

To support our curriculum planning and coverage, ‘Knowledge Booklets’ have been created for pupils to showcase their learning. These are planned to develop a well-sequenced learning journey. Key information and vocabulary is outlined in the ‘knowledge organiser’ page at the front and this culminates in an experiment to apply skills and knowledge. Within each booklet, there are many opportunities to dive deeper including a moral question, which promotes higher order thinking. We believe it is important to for children to be historically aware and have thus created a scientific timeline to help children to see the bigger picture. Opportunities for returning to, and expanding on prior knowledge is built into the booklets as this is crucial for developing schema and long term retention.


The effect and measure of this is to ensure children not only gain the appropriate age-related knowledge linked to the science curriculum, but also skills which equip them to progress from their starting points, and within their everyday lives.

All children will have:

  • A wider selection of abilities linked to both scientific knowledge and understanding, and scientific enquiry/investigative skills.
  • A richer vocabulary which will enable to articulate their understanding of taught concepts.
  • High ambitions, which will see them through to additional study, work and a successful adult life.